Cantor Window Commission
Opens September 3
Soo Sunny Park | Boundary Conditions, 2014
plexiglass, stainless steel, paint, daylight
In her large-scale and immersive installations, Soo Sunny Park explores liminality and the transition between two seemingly opposing qualities: inside and outside, sculpture and drawing, objects and shadows. In the Cantor’s front window, Boundary Conditions emphasizes the space as housed interiorly but outward-facing, with abundant natural light.
A large sculpture made of steel and plexiglass strips hangs from the ceiling as the focal point of the work. Park works with utilitarian materials that create “boundaries” like fencing, plastic, and sheetrock. On the wall behind it, Park traces patterns of shadows that emerge as light interacts with the sculpture. For the duration of the display, the light shining in continues to interact with the sculpture as new, changing shadows are cast atop the drawings to activate the sculpture in a performative manner. Boundary Conditions questions our assumptions about light as immaterial and passive.
Image courtesy of artist