Bach and beyond
September 26 at 7pm
The idea for the project Bach and Beyond came to me during the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not being able to play for real audiences forced me to work alone, just me and solo violin repertoire. Bach and Beyond Part 1 was presented online on YouTube, and Bach and Beyond Part 2 was presented already in live performances at Tufts University and Williams College.
In each of the concerts I present one sonata and partita from J. S. Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas. As a bridge from Bach to contemporary, I include commissioned works by living composers. Many of the contemporary works are inspired by J.S. Bach. Some of them go beyond and have a life of its own. In my project I included such distinguished composers as Z. Krauze, R. Groslot, S. Korde, I. Perez-Velazquez, J. McDonald, Z. Wadsworth as well as new talents such as Chris Arrell.
November 9 | 7pm
Luth Concert Hall
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Presented by
The Department of Music