Traditional Irish Music at Family Weekend

DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC - Luth Concert Hall - 1 College St, Worcester, MA, United States

Boston based Uilleann piper Joey Abarta and fiddler Nathan Gourley will perform traditional Irish music as part of Family Weekend at Holy Cross.

Jazz and Blues with an Irish Interlude at Family Weekend

DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC - Luth Concert Hall - 1 College St, Worcester, MA, United States

This performance of jazz, blues, and traditional Irish music will feature student musicians from a variety of academic departments on campus during Family Weekend at Holy Cross.

Holy Cross Chapel Artist Series: Dexter Kennedy, organ

DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC - St. Joseph Memorial Chapel - 1 College St, Worcester, MA, United States

Organist Dexter Kennedy is the winner of the Grand Prix d’Interprétation at the 24th Concours International d’Orgue de Chartres.

Lunchtime Concert Series | Feelin’ Good – The Music of Nina Simone

DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC - The Beehive - 1 College St, Worcester, MA, United States

This lunchtime concert features the music of American icon and innovative jazz vocalist, pianist, and songwriter Nina Simone. Performers include vocalist Rhiannon Hurst (Brooks Fenwick Scholar), pianist Matthew Jaskot, and other music department students.

Irish Traditional Music Hour in Worcester

DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC - Brooks Concert Hall - 1 College St, Worcester, MA, United States

Traditional Irish musicians Diarmuid Ó Meachair and Sorcha Costello will deliver a very special afternoon performance at Brooks Concert Hall.

Lunchtime Concert Series | Blue Sonority

DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC - Cantor Art Gallery - 1 College St, Worcester, MA, United States

What does blue sound like? The Department of Music presents a Lunchtime Concert Series program of works inspired by this question in the ideal setting of the Blue Profundity exhibition in the Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery.